Maikel Deekman

Born in Suriname, Maikel Deekman moved to Amsterdam when he was 9 years old. After years of working as a instructor  with a graphic background, Maikel Deekman, in his own words, “took the plunge” and started the part-time DOGtime course at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Maikel Deekman: ‘It was always my wish to go to Art Academy, I wanted to rediscover my creativity. 

His story starts with the African Diaspora and his roots in Surinamese culture. His DNA comes from a place he knew little about, while he always carries the story of his ancestors with him. That may need to be explained. There is a 4th dimension in Surinamese culture. You could explain that as: the realm of the dead. We believe that as a human being you can go back and forth between those two dimensions. The living world is not separate from that of the dead, they actually form one whole. Where in the Western world ‘science’ and ‘economy’ are central. In Africa, the bond with nature and your ancestors is important. He consists of the two worlds. He’s in between. That is why this is also reflected in his work. Linking themes from those two worlds within one work makes his work exciting. It’s not usual. Sometimes it may not be understood because of that. But that’s not a bad thing either. He believes it is important to give people the freedom to form their own interpretation of his work.

He believes that art should be close to himself as a creator. He cannot make something “that is only beautiful”. He must feel an urge to create the work. That he is inspired by his African and Surinamese background in his work; is a win-win situation for him. He gets to know himself better, while also getting inspiration for new work. He certainly does not close himself off to his Western background. It is not without reason that he has a feeling for graphic design. He also draws inspiration from technology and the abstract, geometric works of Dutch artists such as Piet Mondriaan and Theo Doesburg.


Gerrit Rietveld Academy, DOGtime; Unstable Media, Amsterdam (2016-2021)

Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Orientation Year, Amsterdam (2015-2016)

Graphic Lyceum, Graphic Design, Amsterdam (1993-1996)

Group Exhibitions

May 2024- June 2024
ARTI ET AMICITIAE, Amsterdam, 1+1=1

April 2024- October 2024   
Ministerie van OCW, Revolte: in verzet tegen slavernij

November 2023
UNFAIR23, Gashouder Amsterdam – New perspectives

June 2023
Springboard Art Fair, Werkspoorkathedraal Utrecht –
Graduated during the pandemic

June 2023- July 2023
Stadsherstel, Amstelkerk Amsterdam – Surinaamse Maanden –
Als de taal van een bruisend land- 8 kunstenaars in relatie tot Suriname

March 2023- April 2023
Centrum Beeldende Kunst (CBK), Zuidoost Amsterman –
Local Heroes 2023

November 2022- January 2023     
Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation, Amsterdam –
Tweede Kamer Tentoonstelling ‘The Best of Graduates”

December 2022
[re]Discoveries, Loods 6 Amsterdam

October 2022
Kunst10daagse, Bergen aan Zee – Artists aan Zee VI

July 2022- October 2022
Provincie Noord-Holland, Paviljoen Welgelegen Haarlem –
Verborgen Noord-Holland –

June 2022
BIG ART 2022, Hembrugterrein Zaanstad

May 2022
OBJECT 2022, Rotterdam

March 2022- May 2022
ARTI ET AMICITIAE, Amsterdam – Sprouts 2022

October 2021- February 2022
ARTwell Residencies, Startwell Amsterdam –
Window Openers

October 2021
Stichting Beeldende Kunst (SBK), Loods 6 Amsterdam-
Sprout Young Talents 2021 – Best Graduates

September 2021 – February 2022
OSCAM AIR x HvA, Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA Fraijlemaborg)           

September 2021
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Zuidoost (CBK Heesterveld) Amsterdam –
Anansi exhibition

July – August 2021
Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam – Best of Graduates (BOG)